We provide our clients a true end-to-end experience in the production of their apparel.
Our relationships, access to the latest designs and technologies as well as our buying power provide our clients the peace of mind they need when dealing with complex, multilingual cultures and environments.
ASADA has a multi-tier, multi-vendor fabric supply / purchase policy, often providing immediate supply of world’s leading quality fabrics and accessories via ASADA’s own stores.
In accordance with our clients’ need to have immediate access to the best materials and accessories, ASADA keeps a working amount of fabric in its own stores. By doing this, fast orders can be fulfilled, especially when combined with our Design & Innovation Centre facility – cutting many weeks off the overall design-prototyping-order-production-delivery process.
ASADA’s already strong and established commercial arrangements with leading suppliers means expedited supply as well as improved costs.
As we work with more and more quality fabric and accessory manufacturers, ASADA continues to grow its supplier base, allowing an ever-improving materials “ease of purchase” for you.
Though we already work with key fabric and accessory suppliers in our region, ASADA always respects that many customers will have their own suppliers of fabrics and accessories for their particular designs. By working more closely with our clients, we expect to uncover many new and innovative manufacturers to partner with. As we do, we will look to add these to our key supplier bases, forming agreements with them, eventually leading to better access to these materials at improved buy-rates.
For further information on our Sourcing and Development expertise, contact us on info@asadagroup.com.
With a deep family heritage in clothing manufacture – we work dynamically with labels to provide a true end-to-end service in design & engagement. With the highest levels of quality standards and productivity, We stand behind the apparel we manufacture, as you stand behind your label.
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