As ASADA expands its production capability, it does so based on world class, proven Lean and Total Quality Management (TQM) processes.

Our processes have improved productivity, whilst reducing waste – thus reducing the cost of production for you

Our processes have improved productivity, whilst reducing waste – thus reducing the cost of production for our buyers. Some of the benefits of our Lean processes include:
  • Elimination of Muda (waste)
  • A Standardised workspace – with and efficient and effective work layout
  • Quality embedded into the entire production process
  • A better amortisation of production and overhead costs
  • A significant reduction in deviation from customer design and delivery date.

At ASADA , the production methodology used is predominantly the Modular Production System (MPS). With the use of MPS, we have gained significant benefits, when compared to other processes conventionally employed. These benefits include:
  • Greater flexibility in the work environment
  • Faster throughput times
  • Significantly improved quality
  • Lower waste, higher percentage of materials utilisation
  • Reduced absenteeism in the workplace
  • Empowered and more satisfied team members

Note that whilst quality is built into the entire engagement process, which encompasses the overall production process, Asada adds spot Quality checks throughout the stages set out above, In addition, prior to shipment, Asada does a “ramdom” final Quality Assurance check on at least 30% of the order to be shipped to our customer.

We have found that the greater our investment in quality, the higher the satisfaction and return business from our demanding, yet loyal client base.


With a deep family heritage in clothing manufacture – we work dynamically with labels to provide a true end-to-end service in design & engagement. With the highest levels of quality standards and productivity, We stand behind the apparel we manufacture, as you stand behind your label.

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